by Rose Flores
Hi, my name is Adam Stewart, Debt Collection Expert and owner of ADC Legal Litigation Lawyers. This week, I am going to feature an interesting article written by one of Debt Recoveries Australia‘s top debt collectors, Rose Flores. Great article Rose!
Hi, my name is Rose Flores, account executive at Debt Recoveries Australia.
If you’ve been reading our previous articles, you now have an idea what debt collection is all about and how you can have a high rate of success in this industry. Since you’re already a full bottle on how to collect debts, now we can look at some ideas that might be helpful to you in a fun way.
Let’s face it; debt collection is not an easy task. This is one of the most challenging tasks a credit manager can have. The purpose of this article is to have fun and relieve any pressures on your shoulders even just for a little bit and enjoy your career as debt collection agents.
Remember, a happy heart is a good medicine and a joyful mind causes healing to all!
So have fun reading!
What do debt collection and dating have in common?
For me, the concept of dating is similar to debt collection in some ways. What are the ways that will make them answer you, “Yes” in doing debt collection?
At first, when you call the debtor, you will not adamantly ask the debtor to pay their debt because they will just ask you, “Who are you and what are you talking about? Why are you harassing me?”
Initial Meeting
First what I usually do is build a little bit of rapport; encourage them in a conversation. By doing this, you are allowing for different opportunities to get to know each other and to know when to go to the next level of conversation. Make them feel that calling them is not a waste of their time and what you are doing is within their best interest.
Be Sensitive to their feelings
Debt collection can lead to many mistakes if not taken lightly and handled carefully. Make them feel that even though you cannot comply to their request, you understand and relate with them. Do not be rude or make them feel that you are harassing them or their feelings.
Be proactive
Know what the other party can offer: their terms, their needs and what can you offer or give in order to make their life a little bit easier. In dating, most people tend to like a potential partner who is confident and proactive, instead of just waiting for them to say or do anything. Make the first move and be proactive!
Be Friendly and Persistent
If at first, you get rejected, are you going to give up? Of course not! It is the same thing with debt collection. At the end of the day, remember what your goal is yet be careful not to sound rude or abusive.
Be thoughtful
Many people do not like to be reminded about their debt and their past due payments. However, there are also some people who like to be reminded. Make sure to not overly do it. Just do the bare minimum.
Mutual Understanding
Since I like happy ending stories this is what I like the most in debt collection. Getting a mutual understanding or agreement with your debtor is a very important stage in debt collection. Getting a positive outcome may take months, sometimes even years, to reach a mutually agreeable settlement. So be patient and do not lose hope.
After all your hard work and finally reaching a settlement, don’t waste it. Like a new couple, make sure to take care of it, nurture it and make it a good and lasting relationship until the last collection date.
To be honest, making collection calls is very challenging task. You will have to negotiate with debtors and sometimes deal with their solicitors. However, as you go along you will also find it enjoyable and rewarding. Just follow our techniques and tips and you will definitely see better results.
Michael Mihalik said, “Debt can turn a free, happy person into a bitter human being.” So let us be mindful on what kind of approach we will use to the debtors and know what to expect in this field.
I hope you will find this job enjoyable and rewarding like I do.
Cheers to your success!
ADC Legal Litigation Lawyers is a legal practice specialising in commercial advice and litigation, debt recovery and insurance claims recovery disputes. We are also providing free templates for you to use on your debt collection. For more details, email us at or call 1300 799 820. You may also Skype us at adclegal.